【Office area】500 square meters office area to create an efficient office environment
Date:2021-9-30 Views:512 Author:songjiangflex

【Office area】500 square meters office area to create an efficient office environment

The official website of Shanghai Songjiang shock absorber Group Co., Ltd. introduces to you: 【office area】 500 square meters office area to create an efficient office environment. The office area of Nantong factory of Songjiang group has been renovated and put into use. The following is the on-site exposure of some departments.

The office area of Nantong factory of Songjiang group is located on the second floor, including factory director’s office, conference room, office, multimedia room, network department, finance department, archives room, storage room, tea room, toilet and other areas.

The following is the first exposure of individual areas:

【Office area】500 square meters office area to create an efficient office environment
【Office area】500 square meters office area to create an efficient office environment
【Office area】500 square meters office area to create an efficient office environment
【Office area】500 square meters office area to create an efficient office environment【Office area】500 square meters office area to create an efficient office environment

Link to this article: https://www.songjiangflex.com/%e3%80%90%e5%8a%9e%e5%85%ac%e5%8c%ba%e3%80%91500%e5%b9%b3%e5%8a%9e%e5%85%ac%e5%8c%ba%e6%89%93%e9%80%a0%e9%ab%98%e6%95%88%e5%8a%9e%e5%85%ac%e7%8e%af%e5%a2%83/